Redhill & District Bar Billiards League


Welcome to Redhill & District Bar Billiards League.

The league runs on a Tuesday night at venues in and around Redhill. We always welcome new teams or players. To find out more about bar billiards and RDBBL, click here.

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Pairs Paradise for Redhillians in Bournemouth

Congratualtions to Colin Robbins & Gary Powell who reached the AEBBA National Pairs final! This was backed up by Anita & Nev Blackman reaching the SFs and Caroline & Dave Jones making the QFs, a superb weekend for our Redhillians!

Sussex Interleague success for Redhill teams!

Congratulations to both the Redhill Bs and Redhill Ladies who won the respective divisions in the annual Sussex One-Day Interleague competition in February. The Bs rode off into the distance with a 10 point lead at the top of the table, while the Ladies got revenge for last year with a 2 point victory over rivals Brighton!

Presentation Night 2025

Get Saturday 5th July in your diaries for next years Presentation Night!!